Sunday, July 13, 2008


So ever had one of those days where everything you touch gets destroyed? Yeah that was my day today! GRRRR!! It's been a while (Thank God) since I've had such a bad day that everyone heard about it AND the poor kidlets suffered. Jesus pretty much held my hand over the last year on learning how to be frustrated but not yell at the kids and to try and be calm when explaining what needs to happen or fixing a situation. And today I regressed a WHOLE year. Crap, square one again. I just got up EARLY like 4:40 for work, and was doing ok til about 7:30 and then everything I touched was wrong, I made dumb mistakes with people's drinks, forgot to do other stuff and just wanted to sit down and cry. So then got off work had lunch at the park which was nice, got home tried to take a nap since I was up at an ungodly hour and the kids wouldn't be quiet. So I found myself screaming (quiet eh?) SHUT UP and then my attitude regressed from that point on. I just don't like being like that. It's like some B horror movie where you watch it and think "This sucks lets find something better to do - like anything but this" BUT as much as you want to leave you just sit there and endure it and when it's all done look back ant think "Well I'm now dumber for watching that". I did wake up refreshed this morning though and having a late start - and skipping church - I gotta take my freebees when I get them. Jason is at camp all week and he left at O-dark-thirty today so we're having a lazy day. I need those sometimes. Anyway, we've got our home group meeting tonight and my house is surprisingly clean so we're gonna get outta here so it stays that way til group. Home group is one of my most favorite parts of the week - I love the people that come and we always talk about good stuff AND it's the one time each week Jason and I unite to clean. A beautiful thing let me tell ya. Funny thing at my house, my husband is a much better cleaner and organizer than I am BUT he leaves it in my hands so we end up with closets that shouldn't be opened quickly, drawers stuffed that you now can't open at all and funny little places that in 2 weeks I will find stuff and think "Oh that's where I put that!" Yeah I'm one of THOSE people. Wish I wasn't but lo and behold I am. Well my kids need a GOOD scrubbin, Michael seems to know something about dirt I don't it tastes good. That kid is constantly flinging dirt, eating dirt, rolling in dirt and he's now figured out how to get his diaper off so now he's naked in dirt! Gotta run! :).
To all of you who read this - I LOVE YA


missy said...

i appreciate how real you are! have a good week with your hubby gone!

sam said...

Kala you are too funny! I too appreciate you being "transparent". I am constantly wishing I was more like that! Hope you have a good week. I know what that's like!! By the way, I have not heard of that book you mentioned. I'm going to have to check it out. It's been a long time since I read a good book! And like you, I finish a good book as quick as humanly possible. :)

ckitt said...

I know I have those days too. I look back and think "why did I say or do that". It is hard to totally control it all the time. I feel like I disappointed my God when I do that. Thankfully, he forgives, it usually takes us longer to forgive ourselves. Bless you!

On Purpose said...

You are a beautiful, fun and lovable woman of God! I feel blessed to know you!


missy said...

I LOVED your true confessions! I'm already hoping that we get to travel together to Ethiopia!! I am on chapter 5 of "The Shack"....whoa!