Thursday, July 10, 2008


Ok all you out there who haven't read "The Shack" get on it!! It will rock your socks like crazy and then after more of you read it we can dialogue about it. Seriously chapter 3 will make you want to not finish cause it's got some tough stuff in it. BUT you will also breeze through it and find you read it in like a day or two every spare minute you will want to finish this book. It's that good. This book pretty much revolutionalized my thinking and at the end I gave a good sigh thinking " Oh man that's who I need and want my God to be!" Pick up a copy if you live by me I've got one - but trust me you will want your own to pass out! Ok, so read up little students and we will chat it up when some of you finish. Who up for the challenge?


On Purpose said...

Hey have you loaned out your copy? I would love to read it!!!


sam said...

Okay Kala... I picked up a copy. The bookstore had about 100 of them on the shelf, so it must be good! :) I'll let you know when I'm done!