Saturday, October 18, 2008


Hehe, so I think this will be fun! Ok so I got 'tagged' so I'm supposed to give fun facts ..... here we go....

1) I'm dramatic. I know hard to believe right? Ok so example, I have personally diagnosed myself as Hypoglycemic which means I have really low blood sugar and if I don't eat I get all dizzy, clammy, tired feeling, shaky, and CRANKY. So we were in Sears this morning and I was too hungry and I got all the symptoms I just listed and Jason laughed at me cause he says I'm just hungry BUT I KNOW there's more too it than that. Anyway, on the way home he was trying to have a conversation with me but I literally like shut down and can't process info so I wasn't much for talking (even though I did have plenty to say oddly enough)and he thinks I'm just dramatic. Whatever!

2) I hate bananas. I do however like banana bread. But that's it for bananas. Here's my 'logical' reason for not liking bananas. So ya know that mushy sound people make while they eat a banana, kinda like a mini smacking of the lips but more mushy sounding? Yeah well my sister used to do that crap in my face all the time and one day I had enough and decided I'm not a banana person, thank you very much. I don't like the smell, the texture, or how it sounds when someone eats them. So bananas? You can have em!

3) I don't like eggs. Nasty nasty nasty. And here's my reasoning, you know that scene in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves when the witch breaks open the egg and blood comes out? Gross, I was done after that movie. And when I was prego with Hopie I even tried to eat a quiche for good measure, eggs can be good for you. And I took one bite, almost puked and decided "Yup, done with eggs too." Makes sense right?

4) I'm really self conscious. I don't like my body AT ALL. Pre kids it was ok, post kids, does the word Nightmare ring a bell? I have a hard time liking the way I look knowing I don't do a darn thing about it, even when I do work out I don't see much of a difference so I just give up. I tell myself that if my tummy wasn't ridiculously flabby then I would feel better about myself but let's face it, I'd find something else to be upset about.

5) I have a desire to live simplistically and I live with money spender. AGH! I wouldn't mind getting rid of the Tv, goin all granola, and living simple but that's a process and will take time to implement. Although Jason totally wants to do my little personal coupon challenge and see how much money we can save.

6) I used to want to be a professional singer, so I would stand in the bathroom with my moms candle sticks (they make the best pretend microphones) and practice singing for HOURS on end. Up until a few years ago, I was trying to figure out how to get into the music business, I recorded a demo for some gal sending her song to a music company, I recorded 2 cd's of funeral music for this guy in Spokane, and got professional pics taken to send a demo into a record company.I secretly want to be on T.V. like Jon and Kate plus 8, but I would lose my mind I think, with all those people peeking in on my life, but I get lots of attention since I'm sooooo small anyway, so I'm sure I'd get used to it.

7) I'm fickle, I hate working outside the home but when I'm home too long I feel worthless. Although now that I've worked full time outside the home I appreciate the days when I can just be with my kids. I wish we made enough money I didn't have to work and could simply volunteer my time instead of always squeaking by trying to make ends meet, only focused on my little area of influence instead of going outside my world to impact others. My heart's desire is to be the person that when they see a need they meet it, no matter what. But I feel like I'm just trying to keep my head above water (financially) I can't give the time to others - I don't take the time to see it. That's something I'm really working on.

Ok, well that's random, and quite the scope of my little life.
Let's see how I can tag!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Warm Fuzzies

Ok so I'm still recovering from the flu, holy cow, it seriously kicked my tail this year, wow, anyway, Saturday come heck or high water we were heading to North Bend. And what did I find? Oh yeah baby, .99 sale racks at The Children's Place Outlet, and Carters had 1.99 with an additional 20% off. The most I paid for an item of clothing was 3.19. hehehe, warm fuzzies. I just love a good actually in this case GREAT deal. It was worth the gas to get there cause I talked my dad into driving so I didn't even pay for gas, can it get much better? Uh NO! Anyway, Jason went to an event called Super 7 which is a sleep deprived 7 hours from 11pm-6am where they play sports or swim, and to all of that I give a loud "NO THANK YOU." My sleep and I have a delicate relationship that can't be compromised by ridiculous events like Super 7. Leave it to those dumb I mean PAID youth pastors to do that stuff.
We haven't gotten to wrap up our adoption home study cause I think our social worker is sick, and man I sure hope we didn't give it to her. If that's the case she better buckle up for a nasty few days. Man, it's been 6 days since the pukes and I still can't eat without a gut ache, lousy lousy lousy! I do need to take a moment to brag though, the last few night Jason and I have been having Guitar Hero showdowns and oh yeah I am seriously kickin his tail, never mind the fact that he is playing on hard and I'm on medium at the end of the song I have a higher score so another warm fuzzy for me. Woohoo!!
I gotta go to work tomorrow and I'm dreading it, I haven't been in for 8 days due to sickness and scheduled days off so tomorrow kicks off 3 days one day off and then 2 more days. AGH. I'm dreading not being here to get Faithie ready and hang with the kids, so that's a bummer.
Ooo, oooo, one more warm fuzzy, we found out we have like 900 bucks left in our flexible spending account used for medical related expenses and we have 2 weeks to use it or it just literally floats away. So I went to Costco and picked out a new pair of glasses that are ultra hot AND a pair of some seriously rockin prescription sunglasses. Oh man I am stoked- both pairs are just rad, which is so 80's but the only word to describe the coolness level.
Well I better scoot, Mikey is dragging around a kite he found, Hope and him are aimlessly wandering the house looking for trouble I'm sure.
But before I part, I was watching Oprah and I record them and watch them later like during nap time and the other day she had this gal on who is like the Ultimate Coupon Shopper. Now here's confession time, I don't use coupons, I use card discounts like Safeway and Albertson's but nothing extra like cutting coupons. Now I now some of you are like " What are coupons?" And others may be thinking I'm some sort of weirdo who pays full fare for things. And honestly I'm somewhere in the middle of those two - I like deals but let's face it I'm too lazy to use coupons. So I decided to challenge myself to shop as smart as I can for the next month and keep track of savings to see how much we can really save using coupons. If any of you are in the coupon lane who know good coupon resources or have an extra paper I can cut coupons out of give me a holler and I'll stop by.
Ok now seriously I'm hearing " I see London I see underpants" This can't be good.
Peace out,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It hit

The horrible flu my family endured finally hit me Wed afternoon. It started with the stomach cramps and trips to the bathroom if you know what I mean. I honestly just wanted to puke already thinking everyone else only threw up like 2 times this should be over quickly. Um... so finally started puking around 9pm, didn't stop til 3:30 am, have continued frequent trips to the bathroom all day long, and am now on the achy I don't want to move, gosh I hate being sick, completely unprodcutive phase. So I'm miserable and missing Bunco which I'm totally bummed about, the one time I month I get to hang with girlfriends and I'm stuck on the couch wishing this crap will end soon. Mikey however has been taking 3.5hr naps with me the last 2 days which is heavenly, no joke. And I had to call in sick for tomorrow cause I'm done puking but 12hrs of running around and trying to keep going while I am still achy I'm sure, well that just sounds like tons of fun eh? Uh yeah not so much. So me and my hopefuly shrinking butt due to sickness is just layin low. Well it's a short post today bummer eh? I think if Sat we're all healthy we're goin to North Bend to hit a few sales at the outlet mall and call it a day. Jason is gone to Idaho for a youth all nighter, not my cuppa tea , me and no sleep, yeah we don't mix well. So I hope everyone else steers clear of the sickness!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Home Study Part 1

Whew! We made it through the first part. Our social worker came by today for a few hours and did the first half of our home study. I heard how nerve wracking some people feel about it and to be honest I had no preconceived notions of what it would be. What I did know is I didn't want it to look like we live like pigs OR that we tried too hard to make our house look perfect. But I will say we maintained the cleanliness everyday after it got cleaned for real, and I'm happy to say that since our social worker is coming back next Monday we have to keep it this clean. It's a good habit to start. I'm not the organized one around here so I tend to stuff things in places instead of creating a good spot for them. So we've been doin some good ol deep cleanin and it's really nice to have a place for everything and everything in it's place. So she asked us about our lives and families growing up, how we love each other, qualities about one another. How we solve problems, easy right, I'm always right! Hehe. That's how we solve them, Jason concedes. No I'm kidding but that doesn't sound like a bad plan. It was fun talking about each other with the other one there and hearing what he thinks about me and what I think about him. It was interesting how our social worker talked about what it will be like when we bring our guy home, she told us it's like our family is in a row boat and we all know our places and what our role is and then someone swims up to the boat so we pull them in to safety and in that jostling around and movement the order gets upset and everyone has to find their new spot. That really resonated with me, I liked the word picture. We will all have our adjusting to do with this, and I don't want to be naive about any of it, it won't do us any good. I also read about one gal who had older kids and everyone kept coming to see the new one and the others felt like, "What the heck, we've been here all along and they didn't stop by then." So that made me realize too that we will have to be VERY intentional with each child in making them feel their importance and worth in all of this. I've also got to get our book of our family pics sent off to our guy so he can see that holy crap we're all white! I wonder what it will be like for him to come home and all of his family doesn't look like him? That will be weird I'm sure I just want him to know how much we love him and it doesn't bother us one bit he doesn't look like us he's still our son. Oh I can' wait to meet this kid!
Anyway ,so we wrapped up with her coming back next week and I ran a few errands, and we mooched dinner off of my in laws. The night ended quickly when Faithie started puking, which was so fun, I hate it when my kids get sick. Oh yeah and Jason woke me up in the middle of the night throwing up, but he had one big incident and was done, he slept in and was doing pretty well by the time our social worker arrived. So I'm waiting for it to hit me, and Hopie. We're the last two standing so far, we'll see who holds out the longest. To be honest I would've figured it would be me since Michael sleeps with us still, I know I know, and he pretty much sleeps on me or touching me at all times. So I would've pegged me to be the first one down. Huh, we'll see. I still gotta get pics loaded for the brace. I'm slow I know. I'm actually tryin to get goin on my little business opp and want to find a stinkin name already so I can market it! We'll see. Oh and I'm applying for a side job where I can take the kids with me and hopefully between the two keep up the saving money, but be with the kids,and get my business going so I only have to do that. I can't tell you how good it feels to tell Jason I feel like I'm drowning thinking about going to work for 12 hours and missing my kids so bad. He hates me being gone too so he's being very flexible to find a way to get me out of work all together but until then find ways to keep me with the kids. When I told Faithie that I was looking for a job that would help me be home more she got a huge smile on her sweet face and gave me a hug and said "Oh good so now you'll be here!" So yeah job, what job, I gotta get home!
Thanks for listening, reading whatever, peace and have a great day!

Friday, October 3, 2008


So I'd like to make this a post about my spiritual journey and being broken before God but today, the news is... drum roll..... Hopie broke her collar bone last night thanks to our beefy dog who just needed to attack the fence to bark yet again at our neighbors slightly obnoxious dogs. So I'm doing laundry, tryin my hardest to be domestic and Hope starts screaming and crying. Faith comes running into say Nala jumped over her but she fell and she's crying (Captain Obvious!). So I got her on the couch and at this point Mikey and Hopie are bawling, Hope's hurt and Mikey's crying cause she's crying so fun stuff to say the least. So I got Hope calmed down and situated and she fell asleep while I was playing with her hair. She woke up about 20 minutes later, screaming and saying her arm still really hurt. So I called Jason home and had him diagnose that Yup she needed a trip to the doc which at 5:30 translates to the E.R. More Fun Stuff. So they headed out and I stayed with Mikey and Faith, we called the grandparents and my mom decides she's goin to give moral support and bring a sucker. So a couple hours later my baby girl comes home with a brace (pics will follow, when I find the camera) and a sucker in hand, Thank You Grandma Darla. Well Mikey got a sucker to, cause he's all about equality these days, if anybody's got something - he better be gettin some too, or buckle up. Anyway, so fun night and then to my wonder I discovered this thing called a Housekeeper. Now let me preface this with, my mother in law has this gal who cleans her house so for our anniversary that was oh I don't know 3 months ago, she gave us a house cleaning on her. So I finally cashed it in today since we've got our social worker coming Monday to do our home visits, which we don't live like pigs ( usually) but with 3 kids this house ain't as clean as she should be ok? Anybody feelin what I'm saying? So I'm lovin the clean house, although trying to find ways to keep us out of it so we have a fighting chance of keeping it clean for more than 5 minutes. Oh and Jason cleaned out our van, we're like living like clean people. It's weird, an adjustment to say the least but possibly one worth making permanent? Hmm. We'll see. It's been an eventful week, a trip to Leavenworth, a few nights of laughing hysterically with old friends, sleeping in, delicious fudge, and coming home early to a puking baby, broken collar bone, clean house, and now off to mooch dinner from Grandma Darla and Papa Steve, we're doing pizza which is always a hit in my book, Jason got his order in for the Papa Murphy's Taco Pizza, it's good ok, not worthy of eating all of it in one sitting although he will if left alone, but it's good. So we're off to top off this week with some pizza, probably ice cream and watching the kids mess up Gram's house not mine. Can it get much better? I submit it cannot! Hehe.
Peace Out,