Thursday, October 9, 2008

It hit

The horrible flu my family endured finally hit me Wed afternoon. It started with the stomach cramps and trips to the bathroom if you know what I mean. I honestly just wanted to puke already thinking everyone else only threw up like 2 times this should be over quickly. Um... so finally started puking around 9pm, didn't stop til 3:30 am, have continued frequent trips to the bathroom all day long, and am now on the achy I don't want to move, gosh I hate being sick, completely unprodcutive phase. So I'm miserable and missing Bunco which I'm totally bummed about, the one time I month I get to hang with girlfriends and I'm stuck on the couch wishing this crap will end soon. Mikey however has been taking 3.5hr naps with me the last 2 days which is heavenly, no joke. And I had to call in sick for tomorrow cause I'm done puking but 12hrs of running around and trying to keep going while I am still achy I'm sure, well that just sounds like tons of fun eh? Uh yeah not so much. So me and my hopefuly shrinking butt due to sickness is just layin low. Well it's a short post today bummer eh? I think if Sat we're all healthy we're goin to North Bend to hit a few sales at the outlet mall and call it a day. Jason is gone to Idaho for a youth all nighter, not my cuppa tea , me and no sleep, yeah we don't mix well. So I hope everyone else steers clear of the sickness!


On Purpose said...

Hey so when I called today...I obviously hadn't read your the "loser" friend that I am didn't even know you were please forgive me!

I hope you are feeling better and I love you tons!

ckitt said...

You are even a crack-up when you are sick!! I hope you are feeling better now. We missed you at bunco. If you want to see what everyone looked like, I have pictures on my blog It was hilarious!

Eryn said...

Hi Kala! I don't know that you and I have ever actually met, but I have known your hubby, literally, since we were born! Jason's family and mine grew up together (my dad and his grew up together, too!)

Last time I saw J, he was here in vancouver for a quiz meet, and you guys had only two little gals, and we had one, with one on the way. I randomly found you through blog hopping on adoption blogs! My hubby Matt and I are adopting through AGCI, too! Crazy!! We are in the beginning stages, doing the homestudy thing right now (or trying to!)

Bummer you guys have been sick, but I am SO HAPPY to have found your blog and see that you guys are adopting too! That is so fun. Tell Jason that Eryn said "Hi" and Jeff and JoAnn too! It's been a while, but we will always love thier family.

If you want to see our adoption blog, it's

Congrats on the baby-to-be! I'm looking forward to reading up on your journey so far!

In Christ, Eryn (Crawford) Kesler