Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Warm Fuzzies

Ok so I'm still recovering from the flu, holy cow, it seriously kicked my tail this year, wow, anyway, Saturday come heck or high water we were heading to North Bend. And what did I find? Oh yeah baby, .99 sale racks at The Children's Place Outlet, and Carters had 1.99 with an additional 20% off. The most I paid for an item of clothing was 3.19. hehehe, warm fuzzies. I just love a good actually in this case GREAT deal. It was worth the gas to get there cause I talked my dad into driving so I didn't even pay for gas, can it get much better? Uh NO! Anyway, Jason went to an event called Super 7 which is a sleep deprived 7 hours from 11pm-6am where they play sports or swim, and to all of that I give a loud "NO THANK YOU." My sleep and I have a delicate relationship that can't be compromised by ridiculous events like Super 7. Leave it to those dumb I mean PAID youth pastors to do that stuff.
We haven't gotten to wrap up our adoption home study cause I think our social worker is sick, and man I sure hope we didn't give it to her. If that's the case she better buckle up for a nasty few days. Man, it's been 6 days since the pukes and I still can't eat without a gut ache, lousy lousy lousy! I do need to take a moment to brag though, the last few night Jason and I have been having Guitar Hero showdowns and oh yeah I am seriously kickin his tail, never mind the fact that he is playing on hard and I'm on medium at the end of the song I have a higher score so another warm fuzzy for me. Woohoo!!
I gotta go to work tomorrow and I'm dreading it, I haven't been in for 8 days due to sickness and scheduled days off so tomorrow kicks off 3 days one day off and then 2 more days. AGH. I'm dreading not being here to get Faithie ready and hang with the kids, so that's a bummer.
Ooo, oooo, one more warm fuzzy, we found out we have like 900 bucks left in our flexible spending account used for medical related expenses and we have 2 weeks to use it or it just literally floats away. So I went to Costco and picked out a new pair of glasses that are ultra hot AND a pair of some seriously rockin prescription sunglasses. Oh man I am stoked- both pairs are just rad, which is so 80's but the only word to describe the coolness level.
Well I better scoot, Mikey is dragging around a kite he found, Hope and him are aimlessly wandering the house looking for trouble I'm sure.
But before I part, I was watching Oprah and I record them and watch them later like during nap time and the other day she had this gal on who is like the Ultimate Coupon Shopper. Now here's confession time, I don't use coupons, I use card discounts like Safeway and Albertson's but nothing extra like cutting coupons. Now I now some of you are like " What are coupons?" And others may be thinking I'm some sort of weirdo who pays full fare for things. And honestly I'm somewhere in the middle of those two - I like deals but let's face it I'm too lazy to use coupons. So I decided to challenge myself to shop as smart as I can for the next month and keep track of savings to see how much we can really save using coupons. If any of you are in the coupon lane who know good coupon resources or have an extra paper I can cut coupons out of give me a holler and I'll stop by.
Ok now seriously I'm hearing " I see London I see underpants" This can't be good.
Peace out,


missy said...

i'm hoping you'll post a picture of you in those rad glasses. i love my glasses and see them more as an accessory than a vision enhancer. glad you all are feeling better. hope your social worker gets better soon!!!

Eryn said...

Hey Kala, check out www.thegrocerygame.com...it's a service you pay for, but it shows you exactly what the best deals are. The idea is that you stock up on things when deals are great, then you dont over pay when you need it.

I did the coupon thing for awhile, (Groc Game works great at safeway and albertsons) but it is alot of work to stay on top of...SavvyShopperDeals is good for albertson's deals too.

Hope your homestudy wraps up soon! How much more money do you guys need to finish up? Is the cost the same for a "child waiting" as the regular program? I keep staring at my homestudy binder, hoping I get more time to finish up the paperchase! It's so hard with the crazy little ones in your face! :)

Eryn said...

I tagged you, see my blog! :)

missy said...

i tagged you too! see my blog as well.