Thursday, August 21, 2008

My cake and eat it too!

So why can't I have this, I'm just wondering. So since I last checked in and the yard sale ROCKED I've been running like I've lost my mind finishing adoption paperwork, working full time, trying to do youth group stuff like 30 famine which by the way was HARD and I cheated - I thought I was gonna puke after 26 hrs of fasting so I ate some bread. Yeah I know I suck but hey that's me in a nut shell. And also, I'm like not one of those people who does well on low blood sugar or tired and if you mix both well good luck to you. We may not be friends when it's all said and done, too bad eh? I don't do things gracefully I decided. I can't speak gracefully, I use words like crap, frigin, and sweet. I'm loud, probably obnoxious to most, and have a hard time keeping boundaries which translates into a very busy life. So my job is all fine and dandy but 12 hour days are kickin my tail that's for sure. I'm all freakin out cause when we travel to get *H* from Ethiopia I want time to adjust for his sake and ours. This is like a monster huge transition which even after we do all our adoption courses and read like 10 more books we won't be ready for it. Jason and I are rose colored glass kinda people. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how exactly to make some money since we'll have a nice loan payment plus be at home as much as possible - so I want my cake and eat it to! I really don't think it's too much to ask for right? Hehe. Yeah ok, see the rose colored glasses? :). Anyway, I'm looking for ways to make cash at home so we'll see! :). I'm so glad I have a blog to vent on! If any of you feel like praying for us - we need a few adoption grants to come through, donations to be awesome, *H* home soon, like I'm praying for before Christmas, and umm... maybe a nap in there! :). Peace love and cake for all!

1 comment:

ckitt said...

All reasons why I love to call you my friend!