Friday, October 3, 2008


So I'd like to make this a post about my spiritual journey and being broken before God but today, the news is... drum roll..... Hopie broke her collar bone last night thanks to our beefy dog who just needed to attack the fence to bark yet again at our neighbors slightly obnoxious dogs. So I'm doing laundry, tryin my hardest to be domestic and Hope starts screaming and crying. Faith comes running into say Nala jumped over her but she fell and she's crying (Captain Obvious!). So I got her on the couch and at this point Mikey and Hopie are bawling, Hope's hurt and Mikey's crying cause she's crying so fun stuff to say the least. So I got Hope calmed down and situated and she fell asleep while I was playing with her hair. She woke up about 20 minutes later, screaming and saying her arm still really hurt. So I called Jason home and had him diagnose that Yup she needed a trip to the doc which at 5:30 translates to the E.R. More Fun Stuff. So they headed out and I stayed with Mikey and Faith, we called the grandparents and my mom decides she's goin to give moral support and bring a sucker. So a couple hours later my baby girl comes home with a brace (pics will follow, when I find the camera) and a sucker in hand, Thank You Grandma Darla. Well Mikey got a sucker to, cause he's all about equality these days, if anybody's got something - he better be gettin some too, or buckle up. Anyway, so fun night and then to my wonder I discovered this thing called a Housekeeper. Now let me preface this with, my mother in law has this gal who cleans her house so for our anniversary that was oh I don't know 3 months ago, she gave us a house cleaning on her. So I finally cashed it in today since we've got our social worker coming Monday to do our home visits, which we don't live like pigs ( usually) but with 3 kids this house ain't as clean as she should be ok? Anybody feelin what I'm saying? So I'm lovin the clean house, although trying to find ways to keep us out of it so we have a fighting chance of keeping it clean for more than 5 minutes. Oh and Jason cleaned out our van, we're like living like clean people. It's weird, an adjustment to say the least but possibly one worth making permanent? Hmm. We'll see. It's been an eventful week, a trip to Leavenworth, a few nights of laughing hysterically with old friends, sleeping in, delicious fudge, and coming home early to a puking baby, broken collar bone, clean house, and now off to mooch dinner from Grandma Darla and Papa Steve, we're doing pizza which is always a hit in my book, Jason got his order in for the Papa Murphy's Taco Pizza, it's good ok, not worthy of eating all of it in one sitting although he will if left alone, but it's good. So we're off to top off this week with some pizza, probably ice cream and watching the kids mess up Gram's house not mine. Can it get much better? I submit it cannot! Hehe.
Peace Out,


missy said...

sorry about the bad news: hope's collar bone. congrats about the good news: a clean house (and van!). i'll be excited to see pics (of both)!

ckitt said...

Poor Hopie! Mackenzie is coloring a picture for her right now. We will have to stop by and give her a picture and a treat (for all of them...of course!!) Hope has the worst luck with injuries. She is one tough cookie!

On Purpose said...

Oh my friend...and just think I have been praying for peace for you and your family! I am not going to stop...cause I know its coming! Praying about the home visit today...I love you my friend :)

On Purpose said...

And praying for Hope to heal speedy quick...gently hugs to Hope!